The pack mentality of hunting resting, eating and sleeping together is what has made dogs so successful as a species. This mentality comes from their wolf foreberas. Throughout the northern hemisphere, wolves radiated out after the last ice age following the herd of large, hoofed animals that were their prey. We humans did the same the only together social species to migrate to north at that time. Young wolves were captured, raised and played with by our ancestors, who selected which individual they would want and which they would allow to breed.
Just as the wild, superior size and mental acquity decided who would lead in the pack hierarchy of the dogs evolved as a result of this human selection. In both situations, males usually dominate because of physical strength Ritual Threat such as growing and showing teeth.
Dogs first learn these rituals and find their places in the pack during play as young puppies. Rough-and-tumbles became rougher as the puppies natural, leading to disputes that are won by the strongest in doing and spirits. Eventually the most dominant dog emerges, asserting his authority through his body language. Other pack members are usually content to submit to their leader, and this though their own gestures and an expressional though eventually a spirited younger male challenges the leader’s authority.
Other behavior patterns that we see in our domestic dogs are also remnants of this wolf-pack mentality. A canine pack needs a territory on which to hunt and res. It marks out his territory woth body wastes, especially urine, sometimes with visible markers made by kicking up earth after fevting. This pack members, be they dog or human from entering it. And dogs still hunt. Their predatory instinct makes anything that moves from a mouse to a carm fair game.
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