Sunday, August 1, 2010

Dog Training Technique - How to Train a Disobedient Dog

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Training a challenging dog can definitely be one of the more stressful aspects of owning a pet. When you have a dog that is difficult to train, you need to do some research and find a simple-to-do dog training technique that will work to assist you in teaching your pet which behaviors you expect from him.

The Best Dog Training Technique

The best dog training technique is one that you can use consistently to train your dog. One of the most popular, and best, techniques that you can use is positive reinforcement, with or without a clicker. The key to training your dog is being very consistent, however. The dog training technique is important, but consistency provides your dog with a firm knowledge of what you expect from him at all times. You may want to look for a book or guide to train an especially difficult dog or if you haven't ever trained a dog before.

You may not think that providing expectations and rules for your dog is important, but a good dog training technique is vital if you want a happy, healthy dog. Since dogs are basically pack animals, they really prefer to know who is dominant at all times. This provides them with a feeling of security, and gives them the boundaries that they need to successfully follow your commands.

Benefits of Dog Training

If you have a challenging dog that doesn't follow your directions, then you know that you need a good dog training technique to help you get problem behaviors under control. While changing behaviors is one of the benefits of training your dog, there are also several other advantages. Having a well behaved dog allows you to comfortably take your pet along on vacation, for example. Your pet will become a real part of the family after being trained properly.

You will also notice that your pet is friendlier, and doesn't harass friends and family who are visiting. Your dog training technique will teach you how to stop behaviors such as jumping on people, which is an important safety concern with children. Large dogs that jump on people can definitely be a problem for anyone who is scared of or uncomfortable with dogs. You want your dog to be an example of a well-behaved pet, and with the right dog training technique you can easily have a dog that you can take anywhere without worry.


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