Monday, August 23, 2010

Top Five Frequently Asked Questions For How to Stop Excessive Dog Barking

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Excessive dog barking is the nightmare that is shared by many unfortunate dog owners. Their beloved dogs bark day in and day out without any intention to "slow down". So, what these unfortunate dog owners can do? Well, it seems that they really need to get busy and find out why their beloved puppy or adult dog barks like insane. As always the best way is to do some research and of course to ask some questions. In this article we will look into top five frequently asked questions.

Question: Why my dog barks?

Answer: There are many reasons why our puppy or adult dog might be barking. The most important one are the medical reasons and therefore must be cleared by our vet. If there are no medical reasons four our dog barking and unless we talk about barking in response to immediate danger than we might very well be dealing with dog who doesn't get enough exercise and who might be nuisance barker.

Question: How to stop dog barking instantly?

Answer: Unfortunately there are times when we must stop that nuisance barking immediately. Many systems have been tried with different success rate. Mostly it is based on the idea to interrupt dog behavior by doing something to get dog's attention such as creating some noise or even spraying dog with water. Lately the most promising are so called anti bark collars and one of the safest and most effective among them are the citronella spray collar. In addition many using shock collar and ultrasonic collars.

Question: How can I train my dog to stop excessive barking?

Answer: Absolutely yes. Positive dog training is without any doubt the best method to stop excessive dog barking. However, it does take some time and a lot of patience. Many classes are offered on this topic but also many e-books or online classes are also available.

Question: What do I do wrong?

Answer: What do you think you are doing wrong? Yes, this is rather tough one! Many dog owners inadvertently reinforce dog barking by rewarding dog for barking. This usually happens when we come back home from work and our dog barks to greet us and we reward him be it by petting him or giving him a treat or a toy. So, our dog understands that barking is good for it has earned him the reward.

Question: What is the safest and most effective method to stop excessive dog barking?

Answer: As far as I am aware the best choice would be positive dog training but since it takes some time than the dog citronella collar shows a great result and since it uses all natural citronella it is very safe. In addition they are pretty affordable.


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