Sunday, December 27, 2009

Doggy Day Care

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Doggy day care is an answer to your limited time spent with your dogs. Day care will not only save your dog from boredom, but will improve your dog's social skills and behavior.

Are you always at work and out of the house at all times? You might be forgetting your obligation to your dog. Though they are normally trained to stay at home and serve as a guard dog, they also require time, love, and care from you.

This is the reason why doggy day care is becoming just as popular as children's play school. The proud dog owners can drop of their pooches and then head to work guilt free, knowing their loved one will be playing all day. These centers will even train their clients how to be obedient and sociable creatures.

Their Range of Service

What can you expect from a doggy day care center? Their services vary, but usually, they can offer you the following:

1. Snacks and lunch for your pets. Doggy day care centers can prepare the most delicious and nutritious treats for your dogs-and they'll never go hungry. Most of the time they're fed twice: once in the morning, and once in the afternoon. As a matter of fact, they could be eating more than you do.

2. Playtime. Dogs, especially the older ones, are encouraged to play not just to exercise their limbs but to also allow them to interact with other breeds. If you're keeping a Labrador, for example, don't be surprised if he appears all too friendly with a bulldog. Additionally, he can become more accustomed to being around people. As a result, it will become a lot easier for you to control your dog in public places, such as in the park or at the shops.

3. Naptime. After playtime, they need to rest to allow them to regain the energy they've lost and to make them so refreshed once you decide to pick them up. The good thing about naptime is that they can also be trained to rest their bodies after every play.

4. Dog skills and training. Dogs are highly trainable, and they can easily grasp new skills and tricks. Doggy day care can help you nurture and hone these talents. Very soon, you can watch your dog perform newer and more incredible tricks for you and your family and friends during special occasions.

5. Overnight boarding. Are you going away for some days? Rather than leave your pet to your next-door neighbor, you can just leave him at the doggy day care center. For a small fee, they can provide the best kind of accommodation for your dog-it's almost like he's never left home. You are also sure that someone can definitely watch over him and give him everything that he needs - including affection!

6. Obedience training. Most of all, your dog will learn how to obey you. After all, humans should hold control over their furry companions, not the other way around. You can expect your dogs to be a lot tamer and easier to rear as a result of doggy day care.

Allow your little dog to stand out among other breeds in the doggy day care with simple but cool and modern dog apparel. You can also pair them with great dog accessories, such as charms, necklaces, bracelets, anklets, and fashionable dog tags.

Source: Pet Planet


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