Sunday, December 27, 2009

The Top Five Worst Reasons to Get a Dog

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Dogs can bring so much love and joy to our lives. Dogs can also bring our lives a lot of stress. However, when you chose the right dog and for the right reasons you will find the right match for your family. Choosing a dog for your family requires research and patience. Once you narrow your choices down to a few breeds and avoid the reasoning below you will be able to live a happy life with your new dog.

1) It's just so cute! Everybody wants to have a cute puppy or dog, but cute is not a reason to own a dog. You should research the breed before choosing a dog, not after you bring the dog home. Each breed has its personality quirks and needs. Some breeds require more exercise, while other breeds require mental stimulation to keep from getting bored.

2) This breed is all the rage with celebrities! Just because a celebrity has a certain breed does make that breed a good match for you or your family. Unfortunately many celebrities chose dogs by how easy they are to carry or how cute they look in a certain outfit. Never chose a dog because someone you admire has that breed of dog.

3) I want a manly breed! Many single men or insecure men, decide that their breed of dog speaks of their masculinity. Without research they decide that they need a big, muscular dog. Men tend to chose bully breeds and large dogs, but bully breeds and large dogs have unique needs. Bully breeds in particular require special training and a dominant leader.

4) My kids want a dog. No matter how many times your kids assure you that they will be responsible for the dog, you should no matter. As soon as the novelty wears off you will have to beg them just to keep the water bowl filled. Be sure you are prepared to feed and exercise the dog on your own before buying or adopting a dog.

5) I want to teach my kids responsibility. Puppies and dogs are not a good way to teach your kids responsibility, that's what chores are for. I do think that owning a dog is great for kids, but do not try to use the dog as a teaching tool. Dogs have their own way of teaching kids love and kindness. The best way to teach your kids responsibility is through example. Treat your dog with love and respect and you will teach them more than any lecture could.


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