Thursday, April 1, 2010

Tips For Have a safe Halloween with your pet

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Halloween can be a lot of fun for you and your pet. Plan ahead, so you make sure you both won’t be exposed to dangerous or uncomfortable situations. Here are ten tips so you prepare yourselves for Halloween:

1. Check if your pet enjoys wearing a costume before you make him go through Halloween with it. Don’t force your pet to wear it. If he’s not enjoying it, he can get upset or angry and get hurt trying to get rid of it.

2. If your pet loves costumes, make sure the one you choose doesn’t have small or hanging parts that can get him tangled or make him choke.

3. Do not choose a costume that impedes your pet to move, breathe, hear, bark or meow.

4. If your pet doesn’t enjoy loud noises, sudden moves, strangers or crowds, leave your pet at home for Halloween. He may get scared and escape, or get angry and hurt someone or himself.

5. Don’t forget to put a collar on your pet with an ID tag if you plan to open the door frequently for trick or treats. A tag may be your pet’s only chance to be identified and brought home if he darts outside when the door is open.

6. If your pet is prone to escaping or isn’t social with visitors, lock him in a room with food, water and a blanket during the trick or treat time. If you have a dog, don’t forget to take him out to do his business before you lock him. If you have a cat, you may want to place the litter box in the room with him.

7. Don’t leave lit candles and jack-o-lanterns around pets, even if you are around. Your pet can get curious about the flame and easily knock them down, causing a fire or getting burned.

8. Keep cords from electric lights and decorations out of reach of your pet. He can damage them and swallow shards, get hurt or electrocuted.

9. If your pet likes to chew on things, be careful about leaving Halloween plants like pumpkin or decorative corn around him. They aren’t poisonous but can produce gastro-intestinal upset and blockage if large pieces are swallowed.

10. Make sure your pet doesn’t get near Halloween candies. Chocolate and candies with xylitol are very toxic to cats and dogs. Foil and cellophane candy wrappers can make your pet choke or cause an intestinal blockage.

With the right tricks and treats, you and your pet can have a lot of fun together during Halloween. Boo!


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