Monday, July 26, 2010

Dog Crate Dolly - Uses and Benefits

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Transporting your dog's crate and other equipment to and from agility training can really be difficult. Whether you are going to the park or traveling for vacation, you may need to transport your dog and ensure his safety at all times. Your dog is part of your family, and you always want to look after him while you travel!

Bringing your dog outside can sometimes be a dilemma if you don't take the proper care and attention. It can also be dangerous if you do not carry out the necessary precautions to care for your pooch.

One way of ensuring a safe, hassle-free and more convenient way of transporting your dog is by investing on a good dog crate dolly. Here are some of the primary uses and benefits of using this tool:

* Crate dolly is a good piece of equipment for moving your dog and his cage or crate. It can help you bring stuff to and from dog agility trials, even through the mud. It allows you to have a more restful travel experience because you won't have to take all the weight of your dog and his crate with you.

* It is great for dog shows. Many dog trainers and agility competitors find a crate dolly very useful because it can carry lots of things like pet crates and grooming equipment and is designed to go through various kinds of surfaces, both in indoor and outdoor environments.The steel handle also makes maneuvering so much easier while protecting your dog and any other stuff you put on it.

* Dog crate dolly is specifically beneficial if you need to transport a sick, injured, or disabled dogs. Additionally, elderly and aggressive dogs can also be placed in the crate dolly. It is amazing for your dog because he won't have to suffer any violent movements that may cause him stress and anxiety.

* It can improve the functionality of a dog crate. By using a crate dolly, your dog's crate will not only be practical, it can also be portable and movable. The wheels that can move forward and backwards are perfect for hauling around your dog inside his crate.


Anonymous said...

I am really very happy to knew some very nice information about Crate dolly for our pets, after read your blog information i think it will become very useful to use , so thanks for sharing very nice information about Crate dolly.
Dog crates

aldrin james said...

I need one of that dolly. That will be very useful to me. I always want to bring my dog with his crate but it is a big heavy. But I think it will be easier if I will going to have that thing.

dog crate discount

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