Friday, April 30, 2010

Australian dog rescues baby kangaroo

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His owner says Rex is “just an ordinary family dog with a bit of a naughty streak and a very gentle, passive, lovable temperament."

But what he did was most extraordinary.

Leonie Allan was walking Rex, a ten-year-old Pointer mix, when they saw a dead kangaroo that had been hit by a car. Rex investigated and returned with a 4-month-old baby that had been in her pouch.

"He obviously sensed the baby roo was still alive in the pouch and somehow had gently grabbed it by the neck, gently retrieved it and brought it to me," she said.

Amazingly, the 10-year-old dog - a cross between a German shorthaired and wirehaired pointer - had been so tender with the joey that it was calm and unmarked, jumping up to him while Rex was sniffing and licking him.

The joey was turned over to the Jirrahlinga Wildlife Sanctuary where he will be cared for until he is 18 months old and then will be released back into the wild.
Sanctuary Director Tehree Gordon said she was amazed by the trusting bond between the two animals.

More on the story


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