Saturday, May 1, 2010

Dog Walking Health Benefits

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It has long been known that the dog is man's best friend. There are many stories of faithful dogs whose loyalty has saved lives.

Dog and humans have been long-time partners both for the hunt and for warmth. At least, until the modern times of agricultural, where the dog's role became more of a protective one.

Since then, the dog's role has evolved even more into simply being a friend in some cases. This friendship is very important to many people.

The relationship between a human and their dog can be one of the most fulfilling and important relationships that one can have. There are many ways to strengthen this relationship.

Walking the dog is the best way to strengthen this relationship. Not only is walking the dog beneficial to the animal, but can be just as helpful to you.

When walking becomes a normal habit, dogs often will portray excitement when they see the leash. This excitement translates into gratitude for what the owner is doing for them.

In response the owner feels happy to do the task and will often want to do it more. By going walking more, the relationship grows stronger on both sides.

When the dog goes on a walk it can be simply a bathroom break and chance for exercise or it can be a whole lot more. The walk also provides social interaction and mental stimulation for the dog.

In addition, the walk provides social interaction, mental stimulation, exercise, and stress relief for the owner. Even dogs that have a large yard to run around in need human interaction and interaction with other dogs.

The walk also provides an opportunity for the owner to provide obedience lessons to the dog to break them of bad habits such as running after every squirrel and barking at everyone that comes along.

Expending the bottled energy in a dog through a walk can also help other behaviors such as chewing, barking, running away and digging. A leash reinforces the idea that you are the owner and can help you curve the habit of pulling.

When a dog pulls it is not only frustrating and exhausting, but it means that the dog does not know that you are in charge. Status or class ranking as the head dog, so to speak, is very important to establish so that the dog will listen to you.

Throughout the walk if the dog begins to pull, stop walking. Often the dog will run back to you and will stop pulling.

If the dog continues to pull, teach him the command to sit when you want to stop walking. The dog will learn faster if you bring treats along, but do not give it one until it sits down, so that it will learn the command.

It is alright to let the dog wander a little but change directions often to remind it that you are in charge and to test compliance when you are training.

As the owner and provider for the dog, the dog needs to know that you give the orders. When this is established the relationship between owner and dog can grow.

In many instance the older generation, thinks of their dogs as their children. Although this is often made fun of, dogs are very similar to children in their needs.

Children and dogs need social interaction, food, water, mental stimulation, exercise, and love. Providing these needs can be very time consuming, but the resulting relationship can be priceless and lifesaving.
Having an animal in the house has shown that there are many health benefits. These benefits include decreasing blood pressure, cholesterol level, triglyceride levels, and feelings of loneliness.
Dogs also provide other services to humans, such as the Seeing Eye Dogs for those who are partially or wholly blind.

No matter what breed of dog, the relationship between owner and dog can be a very rewarding one. With health, social, and mental benefits dogs continue to be one of man's best companions.


wewalkdogs said...

If you are looking for a dog walking solution when you are unable to walk your pup on your own, contact a dog walking service today. Please visit my site.

Dog Walking Mississauga

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